2020 Schedule
Tuesday zen practice, 7 - 9pm
Friends and members of BZC zen and Insight Dialogue community are meeting every Tuesday on line on Zoom. You are welcome to join us if you already have an established meditation practice. Please write to us for more information.
Although the form is a bit different, we are keeping to our monthly schedule of practice is
1st Tuesday Introduction to zen practice
2nd Tuesday Silent sitting.
3rd Tuesday Koan enquiry
4th Tuesday Silent sitting.
(5th Tuesday) Koan enquiry
Introduction to sitting zen with BZC
First Tuesday of every month, 6.45 - 9pm.
We will introduce the form and there will be time to ask questions about our tradition and practice.
Silent sitting on Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings on line.
Early morning sitting together on line on Zoom.
7.30am - 8.10am Thursday and Friday mornings
6.45 - 8.10 Saturday mornings.
Email us for more information.
One day Retreats at The Unitarian Chapel.
Formal zen sitting in the morning with a dharma talk, followed by dialogue practice in the afternoon.
Saturday May 16th, 9.30am to 4.30pm
Saturday November 21st, 9.30am to 4.30pm
£15 - £20 to cover costs
Bristol non residential Easter retreat with Jill Shepherd
Friday April 10 to Sunday April 12th
9.30am - 4.30pm (4pm on Sunday)
St Michael's Parish Hall
Old Park Hill
£45 - £60 to cover costs plus invitation for donations
Jill is an independent Insight meditation teacher and relies entirely on donation for her livelihood.
To register go to www.eventbrite.com/e/insight-dialogue-retreat-joy-and-resilience-in-challenging-times-tickets-90504372013
Please see Insight Dialogue page for more information.
June Bristol city hybrid retreat
Friday June 5th, Saturday June 6th and Sunday June 7th.
Please see Insight Dialogue page for more information.
Zen weekend residential retreat, September 25 - 27
Tymawr Convent,
Cost £95 plus invitation for donations
How to register:
Tuesday zen practice, please phone first if possible and arrive in time to start sitting practice at 7pm.
Residential retreats and one day sits
Please email us for further information and a registration form.
Please email us for further information and a registration form.