2014 Schedule of events
Tuesday practice: 7-9pm Weekly evening zen practice at Fulcrum House, 3 Grove Road, Redland, Bristol. BS6 6UJ. Introduction to sitting with BZC. First Tuesday of every month: 7-9pm We will introduce the form and there will be more time to ask questions about our tradition and practice. Newcomers are also welcome on any Tuesday evening. One day sits: First Sunday of every month Please note there is no Sunday sit, September 6th We are offering days of silent practice that are "non-denominational" and are an opportunity for quiet contemplation in busy lives. We are alternating Insight Dialogue with silent days. The silent days will either be led by senior students of Zen Master Dae Gak or by guest teachers. They are held at Oddfellows hall 20 West Park BS8 2LT Please contact us FFI Wednesday evenings: Insight Dialogue, 7-9.30pm Fulcrum House, 3 Grove Road, Redland, Bristol. BS6 6UJ March Insight Dialogue retreat at Tymaur Convent Friday March 7th to Sunday March 8th Spring retreat with Zen Master Dae Gak Friday May 30th to Wednesday June 4th. At The East Down Centre, Devon. Autumn zen retreat at Tymaur Convent Friday 5th - Sunday 7th September Insight Dialogue retreat with Phyllis Hicks of the Metta Foundation Saturday 27th September- Sunday 28th September Bristol. Non-residential. 10am - 4pm |
How to register:
Residential retreats
Please email us for further information and a registration form. One day sits Please ring first FFI. Sunday practice can be a day of sitting or an Introduction to Zen. Tuesday zen practice Please phone first if possible and arrive at 7pm for the start of practice at 7.15pm |
Retreat fees
A sliding scale of fees is available for each retreat, dependent on ability to pay. There are three rates: standard, concessionary and donor. These rates cover the basic practical costs of the retreat, including Zen Master Dae Gak's travel expenses from the USA. A concessionary (reduced) rate is available for those in financial difficulties. The donor rate helps us to be able to offer a concessionary rate for those less able to pay. Our teachers offer their teaching freely. Retreat participants are given the opportunity to make a donation to the teacher. This is called offering dana, and this practice of dana has sustained the teachings for more than 2,500 years. It enables teachers to continue teaching and supports the very life and sustainability of the teaching.
If you are unable to meet these rates and have an interest in attending a retreat, please email us to discuss the possibility of a bursary place, which is sometimes available.
If you are unable to meet these rates and have an interest in attending a retreat, please email us to discuss the possibility of a bursary place, which is sometimes available.